Delaware Statutory Trust (DST)

The Benefits

How can a Delaware Statutory Trust help clients?


What is a Delaware Statutory Trust (DST)?

A DST is an entity that is used to hold title to investment real estate. A properly structured DST that owns a property will qualify as like-kind property for a 1031 exchange, according to the IRS revenue ruling 2004-86. DSTs are often considered a structure of choice for those looking to diversify their investments and enjoy the benefits of fractional ownership opportunities.

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No Management Responsibilities

The DST is the single owner and agile decision-maker on behalf of investors. This alone, can be an attractive benefit for owners tired of dealing with the headaches of property management.

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Institutional Quality Properties

Most real estate investors can’t afford to own multi-million-dollar properties. DSTs allow investors to acquire partial ownership in properties that otherwise would be out of reach.

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Estate Planning

All 1031 exchange investments receive a step-up in cost basis, so the investor’s heirs will not inherit capital gain liabilities while enjoying professional real estate management versus the burden of hands-on management.

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Investors can divide their investment among multiple DSTs, which may provide for a more diversified real estate portfolio across geography and property types.

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Eliminate Boot

Any remaining profit on the sale of your relinquished property is considered “boot.” This remaining money becomes taxable unless you eliminate it. The excess cash (boot) can be invested in a DST to avoid incurring tax.

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This website includes a brief and general description of certain 1031 guidelines, and is not intended as tax advice.

To learn how to use DSTs to grow your business, join The Inland Academy.